Welcome to our blog. This is where we share insights on e-commerce solutions. We blog about commerce, tech, trends, strategy, marketing, UX, news and other stuff. Enjoy!
God fortsättning önskar Geta
D-congress 2024 var större än någonsin och måste nog ändå ses som en jätte-succé för både utställare, talare och besökare. Vi på Geta kunde inte vara nöjdare! Vilken respons och vilken glädje som mötte oss i vår monter! 🎄🌟 🎅🏻🎄🧑🏼🎄🌟🎄
Valdis going OMVP Platinum!
Geta superstar Valdis Iljuconoks can be proud of many awards 🏅 and recently he has been awarded with one more very special nomination - The Optimizely Most Valuable Professional (Optimizely MVP) reaching the highest PLATINUM level.
Geta partners with Occtoo to fuel digital commerce solutions
Geta and Occtoo have joined forces in a strategic partnership aimed at harnessing their individual strengths to deliver exceptional digital commerce solutions to their shared clientele. Together, Occtoo and Geta are poised to revolutionize the digital commerce landscape.