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Geta Tags for EPiServer 7.5 released

We just released version of Geta Tags which supports EPiServer 7.5. Latest version (0.9.8) is found on EPiServer NuGet feed.

Maris Krivtezs

Issue in Geta.SEO.Sitemaps fixed

Today I fixed an issue in our open source plugin for EPiServer 7.5, Geta.SEO.Sitemaps, a tool to generate Google XML sitemaps. The issue occurred when you had one site mapped to multiple hosts with different language branches. Only the sitemap for the main SiteUrl worked (although displaying links to all language branches which is not desired) and the other hosts resulted in a 404.

Mattias Olsson

Extensions and helpers library for EPiServer

Over the last 4-5 projects my team has been working with EPiServer 7 and 7.5 using ASP.NET MVC. We've ended up creating some useful methods and helpers that we used in all those projects, that we've found to be very valueable and time saving. This library is now in a stable version that we're excited to open source and let everyone use.

Frederik Vig

EPiServer Find On-Premise Setup

After setting up 5 different On-Premise servers for EPiServer Find I started writing down some notes on how to set it up and some gotchas I had a long the way.

Mattias Olsson

Working with EPiServer 7.5 CMS

If you have upgraded or installed EPiServer 7.5 CMS, you may have noticed quite a few changes. Here is a quick walkthrough the most important ones.

Mari Jørgensen

.NET wrapper for Vippy released

We released an open-source library which allows integration with Vippy service. Vippy is a mediabank with support for videos, presentations and documents.

Maris Krivtezs