
Velkommen til bloggen vår. Her deler vi vår fagkunnskap og våre erfaringer rundt netthandelsløsninger. Vi blogger om handel, tech, trender, strategi, marketing, UX, nyheter og en masse annet. Slå deg løs!

Hva ligger i navnet?

  • E-commerce

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Når man jobber med omnikanal er navngiving av produkter viktig. Her er noen tips om hva du bør tenke på, og hvordan du kan sette opp en god prosess for å gi produkter navn. Og noen tips om hva du ikke bør gjøre.

Claire Sharp Sundt

IndexNow - Sustainable Search Engine Indexing

  • SEO

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IndexNow is a way of informing search engines that an URL and the content on the page have either been added, removed, or simply updated, letting the search engine know immediately when you have updated your web pages.

Johan Schage

Er Google Analytics ulovlig?

  • SEO

  • Marketing

I januar konkluderte det østerrikske datatilsynet (DSB) med at bruk av Google Analytics er ulovlig, da personopplysninger sendes til USA, i strid med GDPR.

Johan Schage

En E-Commerce Managers Guide til Black Friday

  • E-commerce

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Hvert år, den fjerde fredagen i november, kommer den største handelsdagen i året: Black Friday. Det første tipset er: start tidlig, lag en plan.

Kjetil Ullsgård

Custom Episerver Commerce Product/Variant router

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • E-commerce

  • SEO

Just wanted to share a custom Epi Commerce hierarchical router that I'm using in a project where we have a Product -> Variant structure. All variants in the catalog belong to a product and a product can have one or multiple variants.

Mattias Olsson

Geta.SEO.Sitemaps updated

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • SEO

A couple of weeks ago I made some updates to our open source plugin for EPiServer, Geta.SEO.Sitemaps, a tool to generate Google XML sitemaps. This blog post is sort of a changelog for these updates.

Mattias Olsson

Simple URL keeper for EPiServer

  • Development

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  • SEO

Here's a little code sample that is useful for when you need to perform an automatic redirect after content is moved in EPiServer, to avoid getting a bunch of 404's.

Frederik Vig

Issue in Geta.SEO.Sitemaps fixed

  • Development

  • Optimizely

  • SEO

Today I fixed an issue in our open source plugin for EPiServer 7.5, Geta.SEO.Sitemaps, a tool to generate Google XML sitemaps. The issue occurred when you had one site mapped to multiple hosts with different language branches. Only the sitemap for the main SiteUrl worked (although displaying links to all language branches which is not desired) and the other hosts resulted in a 404.

Mattias Olsson