
Velkommen til bloggen vår. Her deler vi vår fagkunnskap og våre erfaringer rundt netthandelsløsninger. Vi blogger om handel, tech, trender, strategi, marketing, UX, nyheter og en masse annet. Slå deg løs!

Brukertesting hos Skeidar

Vi har besøkt Skeidar for å gjøre brukertester. Hvordan forholder kunden seg til samspillet mellom fysisk butikk og nettbutikk?

Djamila Belgaid

Fem tips for å lykkes med omnikanal

Claire Sharp Sundt

En E-Commerce Managers Guide til Black Friday

Hvert år, den fjerde fredagen i november, kommer den største handelsdagen i året: Black Friday. Det første tipset er: start tidlig, lag en plan.

Kjetil Ullsgård

Google Data Studio and Episerver

A few years ago Google launched Data Studio to help present and share analytics data in a more visual and easy to understand way. It's a great tool to create custom reports based on various data sources ranging from Google Analytics, Adwords, to marketing platforms and even file uploads. And of course sharing them with your team.

Frederik Vig

Custom Episerver Commerce Product/Variant router

Just wanted to share a custom Epi Commerce hierarchical router that I'm using in a project where we have a Product -> Variant structure. All variants in the catalog belong to a product and a product can have one or multiple variants.

Mattias Olsson

Summary of my blog posts

During my journey at Geta I have created seven different blog posts and one thing they all have in common is that they all focus on strategy. Here is a summary of them all with a direct link into each of the singular blog post.

Adela Svadja


I have been working in the online business for five years and my experience is that it is a process that takes time and a lot of hard work. People sometimes see retail as a much more demanding business than online, but there are similarities.

Do a marketing plan, or fail!

Benjamin Franklin said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. So, how do you create a marketing plan for your online business?