Service API for Customers, Carts and Orders released

Maris Krivtezs 26.08.2016 04.25.04

Geta's Service API package is still pre-release but you can start using it. API is quite stable and no breaking changes are planned.

Service API Web API

Install Service API Web API using NuGet.

Install-Package Geta.ServiceApi.Commerce -Prerelease

Web API package provides three resources:

  • Cart
  • Order
  • Customers

Full documentation for resources can be seen by installing Swagger support into your project or by setting up demo project and browsing to There are also integration tests available.

Service API WebHooks

Install Service API WebHooks using NuGet. This will allow 3rd party applications to get notified when different events, like a new order has been updated or created for instance, to subscribe and be notified about this.

Install-Package Geta.ServiceApi.Commerce.WebHooks -Prerelease

WebHooks supports these EPiServer events:

  • InventoryUpdated - raised on inventory update.
  • PriceUpdated - raised on price update.
  • OrderGroupUpdated - raised on order group update.
  • OrderGroupDeleted - raised on order group delete.

WebHooks registration example can be seen in integration tests.

Documentation and source code

Source code and documentation available on GitHub

Issues can be reported on GitHub.