Geta in the EPiServer Inner Circle

01.11.2015 17.00.00

Geta was recently recognized for our ecommerce excellence by being selected to join EPiServer Inner Circle Program. Geta will be giving feedback on development of EPiServer, strategies, partner programs, products and roadmaps  - based on our customers needs. 

Ecommerce experts

Geta is solely focusing on EPiServer Commerce, and has developed a wide range of international ecommerce sites based on this platform. We have therefore established a long and close collaboration with EPiServer and over time built up a distinct expertise in e-commerce and EPiServer Commerce. Our close collaboration with EPiServer will provide us even more opportunities to strengthen and grow our international ecommerce business.

Our CEO André Brynildsen will be Getas representative at the Inner Circle program.
“Geta is honored to be given the chance to join the Inner Circle program. As one of the current leaders in EPiServer Commerce implementations, we feel that Geta can offer valuable insights to EPiServers strategies and roadmaps”, says Brynildsen

EPiServer Ascend - Las Vegas

The first meeting of the Inner Circle board will take place at this year’s EPiServer Ascend conference in Las Vegas where Geta is sponsoring the event. André Brynildsen and all our EMVPs (EPiServer Most Valued Professionals) will attend and speak at this conference.

Read more about the conference here: